If u = tan^1(x^3 y^3/x y), prove that x ∂u/∂x y ∂u/∂y = sin 2u asked in Mathematics by Ruhi (703k points) class12;Page unnumbered BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD TARGET Graduate Library University of Michigan Preservation Office Storage Number ACQ8723 UL FMT B RT a BL mT/C DT R/DT CC STAT mm E/L 1 035/1 a (RLIN)MIUG86B 035/2 a (CaOTULAS) 040 a MiU c MiU 1001 a Davis, Ellery W I q (Ellery Williams), I d 1 aQuestion from Student Questions,math Ask Questions, Get Answers Menu X

Answered 4 Sec 2x Tan 2x Y 0 4 Y 0 1 Bartleby
U=tan^-1(2xy/x^2-y^2)-An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this iconUtancom keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website

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複素数で分からない問題があります。 u(x,y),v(x,y)が、領域Dで連続な偏導関数をもつとする。そのとき、f(z)=u(x,y)iv(x,y) (z=xiy)が、Dで正則であるための必要条件は、u(x,y),v(x,y)が、Dで ∂u/∂x=∂v/∂y, ∂u/∂y=∂v/∂x (コーシー・リーマンの関係) をみたすことである。Answer to Show that the function z = tan^1(2xy/(x^2 y^2)) satisfies Laplace's equation;Then make the substitution x = r cos theta, y = r sin
Find an answer to your question prove that Uxx Uyy=0 if U= tan^1(2xy/x^2y^2)Thomas Calculo Varias Variables (Thomas) 11o EdicionWelcome to Sarthaks eConnect A unique platform where students can interact with teachers/experts/students to get solutions to their queries
1 Answer Bill K I'm assuming you are thinking of this as being a function of two independent variables x and y z = tan−1( y x) The answers are ∂z ∂x = − y x2 y2 and ∂z ∂y = x x2 y2 Both of these facts can be derived with the Chain Rule, the Power Rule, and the fact that y x = yx−1 as followsSince 0 = u xy u x = (u y u) x, we can integrate at once with respect to xto obtain u yu= f(y)This is a rst order linear \ODE" in the variable y Introducing the integrating factor = exp R 1dy = ey, it becomes @y (e yu) = ef(y) Integrating with respect to ythis time yields Explanation We will be differentiating implicitly On the left hand side, we will use the chain rule in regards to the inverse tangent function d dx (arctan(u)) = u' 1 u2 Also, note that the product rule will be used for d dx (x2y) and, eventually, d dx (xy) Differentiating gives

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